LCBO - Spirit of Sustainability

With 2020 having been a year unlike any other and many companies committing to equitable objectives, LCBO chose to step up and show that they are doing more than just talking. 

Working diligently to accelerate their mission to reverse issues surrounding racial inequities in the province and industry, LCBO made important strides forward and were ready to amplify the brand’s initiatives in a way that would get noticed. 


We partnered with LCBO to produce their first campaign, the “Spirit of Sustainability” – a fully-integrated campaign across customer-facing, social and internal channels, to bring their audience along the journey that LCBO is taking to make actionable change for Ontarians. 

What We Did

  • Corex Creative ideated the video script, partnering with LCBO to bring their message to life in a way that is engaging, relevant and authentic
  • We directed and executive produced the “Spirit of Sustainability” video, capturing interviews, stories, and content from partners to be hosted on 
  • Produced visually exciting and shareable 30 second video clips to provide audiences with quick snapshots of the campaign impact and message via LCBO website, social channels and internal channels 
  • Captured photos of partners and initiatives to be used across multiple channels/platforms 
  • Filmed behind the scenes video to showcase the journey of creating this campaign

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Getting in the door and gaining access to opportunities is an obstacle that many emerging creatives of colour face. We have created a unique opportunity to enable the talent development of creatives of colour, by hiring 45 youth to work on this campaign alongside us and experience what it is like to be on set.